How to fight oily skin with natural cosmetics

Oily skin causes a lot of problems – it is prone to the formation of acne and pimples. Enlarged pores quickly become clogged with dirt and this causes the skin to take on a grayish tint. Oily shine also does not add attractiveness to the dermis.

This type of skin requires daily care. If you do not follow proper facial care, then very soon a problem with acne will arise, which cannot be solved without the professional help of a cosmetologist and treatment will take a long time. Therefore, the main rule of caring for such skin is regular cosmetic procedures.

It is quite possible to take care of skin with excessive sebaceous glands at home – to do this, you need to choose a set of cosmetics with which you will carry out regular care for it, and understand the purpose of these procedures. Of course, the main thing is to cleanse the dermis of excess fat, reduce the work of the sebaceous glands, and open and clean the pores but it is also important to moisturize the skin and provide nutrition with useful substances.

woman using facial lotion

Basic steps for caring for oily skin

The first stage is cleansing. It is very important to thoroughly cleanse the skin but not to dry it out. Gels, foams, and cleansing milk labeled “for oily skin” are suitable for this. The procedure must be done in the morning and evening. Also 1-2 times every 10 days you can supplement the care with a cleansing mask, except in cases where there are rashes on the face.

The second stage is toning. Wipe the skin with lotion or tonic for the appropriate skin type without alcohol. Tonic compositions tighten pores, additionally cleanse, moisturize, tone, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The third stage is hydration. After morning cleansing and toning procedures, moisturizer is applied to the skin no later than half an hour before going outside. The creamy film will maintain the normal hydro-lipid balance of the skin all day long.

The fourth stage is nutrition. After evening cleansing and toning, you need to give your skin vitamins and minerals. To do this, we use a special cream marked “night”. Effective nutrition for oily skin is provided by night face cream with Dead Sea minerals. You need to apply it an hour or two before bedtime. If there is too much cream, blot off the excess with a napkin. Night cream should not be applied to the skin around the eyes; it is too thick for it. 

Regular and careful implementation of all stages of caring for oily skin will save you from problems with acne, oily sheen, etc. The skin will glow with health.

woman face cream