Yearly, the last month of winter links to the carnival mood – Groundhog Day is coming! Let’s immerse ourselves in exciting things about where it comes from, what it illustrates, and how can you prepare a mind-blowing groundhog day fair.

Why Does a Groundhog Predict the Weather?

February is here and it’s time to discover a few groundhog day facts about this tradition. This is the time of awakening of nature when they were already beginning to wait for spring. Groundhog Day is the shortest day of the year and it was he who signaled to farmers about the beginning of agricultural work. That is, it was one of the methods of measuring time and the calendar.

Some facts suggest that the belief of groundhog day shadow tracking animals was brought with them by German immigrants. They began to observe groundhogs since they were local habitats.
The old wives’ tales of celebrating took root after the 1880s. It was then that the editor of the Punxsutawney Spirit newspaper, Clymer H. Frees, suggested making Groundhog Day an official holiday and naming Punxsutawney Phil the official weather forecaster. A Pennsylvania College document from February 4, 1841, provides the earliest recorded proof of the festival—an event still upheld by the same club today.

From Pagan Traditions to Modern-Day Celebrations

Since ancient times, people connected animal behavior to weather, using them for forecasts. As the weather warmed, sluggish rodents like hedgehogs and marmots became the first meteorologists. February 2nd, known as Imbolc in pagan traditions, marked the arrival of spring, with fires, candles, and amulet-making. This practice later blended into Christianity and evolved into the celebration we now call Groundhog Day.

A person holds a groundhog on Groundhog Day

How Accurate Are Groundhog Predictions?

The accuracy of the forecasts today is symbolic and inaccurate. But the popularity of visiting the event is growing. After the release of the famous film “Groundhog day “, the number of people coming to Punxsutawney on February 2 increased rapidly. In 1997, 35 thousand tourists came to visit Big Phil, which was five times the number of residents. Unfortunately, the film was not shot in Punxsutawney, but the directors tried to recreate the recognizable places and traditions of the event as accurately as possible. The groundhog was equipped with comfortable housing with heating during filming so that the “actor” would not fall asleep.

Several more famous groundhog-weather forecasters are from the USA and Canada, but Punxsutawney Big Phil is the most popular groundhog in the world. He lives in a comfortable house with a climate control system and even has his own website.

On average, Phil has gotten it right 30% of the time over the past 10 years.

5 Fun Ideas to Celebrate Groundhog Day

If you are thinking about how to celebrate Groundhog day 2025, we are happy to share a few ideas with you. Here are some for children and adults both:

  • Relive the magic of Groundhog Day with Bill Murray’s unforgettable movie.
  • Watch the online live stream on media platforms.
  • Enjoy your meal by baking some pancakes or cupcakes in the molds of a groundhog.
  • Transform your home or backyard with a groundhog-themed decor—perfect for a fun group activity.
  • Organizing a groundhog theme party by dressing as groundhogs.
  • Fancy games, contests, quizzes, quests, or even dances (you can sew costumes yourself and play shadow theater with children, or comedic role-playing games of the Groundhog).

The implementation of such ideas does not require preparation – all you need is a good mood and imagination. Regardless of which way of celebrating you choose, you will get positive emotions and inner harmony, even if the weather forecast from the groundhog does not promise a sharp warming outside.


Groundhog Day is a perfect chance to welcome spring, but it’s true charm lies in gathering with family and friends for fun and celebration. The stars of Groundhog Day are cheerful, playful groundhogs, bringing spring closer and lifting our spirits. Shadow or Shine, It’s Groundhog Time!


When is Groundhog Day 2025?

According to our weather predictions groundhog day will be on February 2nd.


What is supposed to happen on Groundhog Day?

According to folklore, the groundhog’s behavior is observed every year, whether it sees its shadow. In sunny weather, the groundhog sees a shadow and this forecast several weeks of cold weather. In the opposite case, spring will be early.

Who is the most accurate groundhog?

According to the NOAA list, the first place belongs to a New York Zoo resident – Staten Island Chuck. He predicted the weather with an accuracy of 85%.

What does the phrase "Groundhog Day" mean?

In addition to the forecast of the change of season, there is another association with the phrase “Groundhog Day” based on the film of the same name. The groundhog day meaning is an endless routine when all about the previous day is no different from the next.

Groundhog Day crowd waiting for shadow prediction


Anna Smirnova author

Anna Smirnova

Content writer on
From my practicing in science, I brought the skills of discovering, analyzing, and explanation. I adore art, photography, traveling, hiking, and winter.