In anticipation of Halloween, which is inferior in popularity only to Christmas, many are concerned about finding the most attractive decorations, costumes, and other party attributes. Since the main raw material for their production is plastic which is a short-lived and fragile material littering the ecosystem with fragments, there are some eco-friendly tips. These guidelines will help you select sustainable products to celebrate the best spooky and green Halloween.


Dress To Impress Without The Waste

As two sides of the coin, the All-Hallows celebration brings emotional cheerfulness and also leaves its mark in the material world. Single-use no sustainable Halloween costumes, accessories, flashlights, dishes, decorations, etc. end up in earth and water – (valuable natural resources) littering and forever remain in the earth as microplastic fragments. Calculations indicate that only among the American market of buyers, about ten billion dollars is spent annually on fancy dress goods. However, the number of consumers who try to live by the philosophy of conscious usage and try to find an alternative to the plastic nightmare grows every year.

Thinking of green halloween costume ideas we would like to give a piece of advice about making your costume for the party. Check your wardrobe, find dark-colored clothes for the base (a monochrome dress, old pants, or a t-shirt), and stylize the spray paint, embroidering with sequins, buttons, or fragments of other clothes. You can stick stickers and appliqués, which are easily glued to the fabric with a hot iron. Walk through flea markets, thrift stores, or sales – every old item can get a second life. Reusing or recycling are the best friends for the environment.


Sustainable Halloween Decorations

Give a preference to select products with multiple long-term uses. Eliminate one-day-living items from your shopping list and remember that some decor elements can be reused. The main symbol of All Saints Eve, the pumpkin can be a Jack-o-Lantern, or it can be used after the holiday as food for birds and animals. Or maybe you would like to cook pumpkin cake or soup? What about growing microgreens at home? When making a pumpkin lantern, do not throw away the seeds – plant them in the garden, on the terrace, or the windowsill – as a juicy green decoration or a source of vitamins for pumpkin soup.

As materials foreco-friendly halloween decorations, you can use packaging (cardboard boxes, paper wrapping, styrofoam, nets from vegetables and fruits), bandages, cotton wool, tree branches, and fallen leaves for the handmade decor.

sustainable halloween costumes

Trick or Treat? Eco-Friendly Halloween Candy

Did you know that a quarter of the sales of all candies sold on the market in the USA are bought on Halloween?

The best All-Hallows evening treatment is sustainable Halloween candy, handmade or from a local candy shop, with high-quality organic compounds, with a minimum content of sugar, dyes, and flavors. Cocoa beans, fruits, berries, and other ingredients must be produced on organic farms. Pay attention to the quality of the packaging – without plastic or from recycled materials.


To serve sweets, you can put them in a pumpkin basket or old-style basket dressed with flowers or leaves.

Final Thoughts

Halloween, or All Saints’ Day, is a holiday that has come to us since ancient times but has taken root in the modern world and is celebrated every year on a grand scale all over the world. Halloween, or All Saints’ Day, is a holiday that has come to us since ancient times but has taken root in the modern world and is celebrated every year on a grand scale all over the world. Since today people are trying to live a conscious life, a re-awareness of the usual rules of celebration and decor selection requires green halloween ideas.


We’ve gathered the most inspiring ideas for aneco-friendly Halloween. We hope you find something that sparks creativity for your party.

Stay tuned and Happy Haunted Halloween!

eco friendly halloween decorations


Anna Smirnova author

Anna Smirnova

Former chemist, content writer on
From my career as a chemist, I brought the skills of discovering, analyzing, filtration, separation, distillation, and explanation. I adore art, photography, traveling, hiking, and winter.