How to support immunity during seasonal diseases?

A healthy and balanced diet is the key to good human health. A daily intake of a full range of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals affects endurance and well-being. When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account the energy value of food and its benefits for the body. The selection of products is carried out individually, taking into account allergic reactions. The most useful are vegetables, meat, and dairy products.

The recommendations below will help you strengthen your immune system and always stay energetic.

Full sleep

In the modern world, people often work extremely hard. They try to do as many things as possible in one day to relax the next. Unfortunately, this approach often doesn’t work. People also stay up until midnight in front of the TV or computer. It is worth remembering that the human body is not adapted to such a rigid rhythm. An organism needs sound and complete sleep of at least 8 hours so that all body systems can renew themselves. Therefore, it is important to go to bed before 11 p.m. In the period from 23 to 04.00, there is a peak in the production of key hormones of youth: growth hormone and melatonin. Try to close the curtains and eliminate light sources. Melatonin can be produced properly in complete darkness. Proper sleep plays an important role in maintaining a strong immune system.

Proper nutrition

Food serves as the body’s main fuel. Its correct work depends on the quality of the products. For example, when we eat sugar and foods that contain it, our immunity decreases by 2 times for the next 4 hours. For high-quality functioning of the body, you should reduce the consumption of alcohol, sugar, and white flour, as well as fried and fatty foods. Products such as fast food, snacks, and chips should be completely excluded from the diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables, leafy greens and grains. They contain vitamins and minerals that help our body to function properly without failures.

Outdoor walks

To prevent lack of oxygen from causing headaches, you should spend at least a couple of hours a day in the fresh air. Ventilate the room 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes. A short walk before bed will improve your well-being and make you sleep more soundly. Try to take deep breaths to fill the entire volume of your lungs with air. Get into the habit of different breathing practices.

Physical activity and sports

The positive impact of sport on our bodies is limitless. Thanks to physical activity, the functioning of several important systems is improved: the central nervous system, blood circulation, and oxygen exchange. Moderate physical activity has a positive effect on the condition of the respiratory system and mucous membranes, removing mucous secretions from the bronchi. People who exercise regularly are less susceptible to infectious diseases.

healthy fitness exercises

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Deficiency of key vitamins and minerals leads to malfunctions of the body and its protective systems. But don’t immediately recklessly run to the pharmacy for a “magic jar” of complex vitamins. If you notice symptoms that indicate a vitamin deficiency (dry skin, hair loss, loss of strength, decreased immunity, nervous condition, muscle weakness, or others), this is a reason to contact a specialist. The doctor will order the necessary tests and, based on the results obtained, prescribe the necessary vitamins and correct dosages. Separately discuss with your doctor the time of taking medications, because some vitamins block each other’s actions when taken together. Be attentive to your health and do not self-medicate!

What to eat to strengthen your immune system

Several foods that will help improve your health:
  • rosehip is rich in vitamin C;
  • ginger activates the immune system due to its high content of vitamins C and B;
  • turmeric removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. The plant is rich in phosphorus, iron, iodine, calcium, choline, group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B5), C and K;
  • onions and garlic are excellent prevention against colds and viruses. For example, garlic contains many vitamins and minerals. It contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, copper, B vitamins, vitamins C, K, PP, niacin;
  • citrus fruits are our main helpers for strengthening the immune system due to their high vitamin C content;
  • Honey can be considered a cure for all diseases. It is the leader among products in terms of nutrient content;
  • sea buckthorn contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, essential amino acids, carotenoids, large amounts of folate, biotin and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E.


Eat these foods more often, brew herbal teas, and eat more greens, vegetables and fruits. Follow the above tips and you will become the owner of good health and high immunity.

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