Physical activity in advancing age

Aristotle once said: “Movement is life and life is a movement.” And this is true because physical activity is beneficial for people of any age. Being old does not mean forgetting about yourself, which is why physical activity is especially important for the elderly.

According to statistics, people over 60 years are especially susceptible to diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and musculoskeletal system. Prevention of such disorders is physical activity. It is worth remembering that any physical activity must be balanced and selected taking into account age and individual characteristics of the body. You should also consider the intensity of the exercises and recommendations for their implementation, so as not to harm fragile joints and bones.

The essential points to consider:
  • You should consult a specialist before starting the exercise. This is done to check health status and determine the effect of stress on the body;
  • During physical exercises, it is not recommended to abruptly change the type of activity, quickly change position, or have too much tension (muscles or individual parts of the body);
  • Also, it is necessary to avoid holding your breath and strong acceleration or tension to maintain blood flow to the organs.
woman in the swimming pool

It is important to remember that the elderly body is much more difficult to adapt to stress, but after correctly performed exercises there should be a feeling of satisfaction with the work done, and there should also be a slight feeling of fatigue.

The most recommended type of physical activity for older people (based on the above recommendations) is walking. This is a unique health complex that affects the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. More than 15 types of walking have been identified, and each of them is the prevention of many diseases.

Another important type of physical activity is swimming. It stimulates the work of the entire body and its internal organs, thereby preventing aging and slowing down involutionary processes in the body.

Also, older people should pay attention to a variety of outdoor games that will have a positive effect on their overall health. This includes tennis, golf, and badminton. With a gentle regimen and regular training, you can achieve excellent results: good health, strong muscles and absence of diseases (in particular arthritis, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, etc.).

Many great thinkers and scientists believed that to be in motion means to live. And this is the inexorable truth. Physical exercise is an inexhaustible source of energy that should be preserved throughout life, and especially in advancing age. Health is wealth – take care of it!

female runner