Top 10 sports equipment for home workouts

To do sports, it is not necessary to buy an expensive pass to a fitness club or a modern gym. It is enough to purchase simple sports equipment and draw up an effective workout program at home. With regular exercise, you can significantly improve your health and immunity.

Power loads equipment

Dumbbells are a great tool for strength training. With the help of this equipment, you can diversify the program. Exercise with dumbbells is safer for the joints than activity with a barbell. This sport equipment is great for homework in a limited space. Buy the best set for yourself. Give preference to models with a rubber braided sheath.
Kettlebells provide a comprehensive full-body workout. Thanks to the movement factor, a person becomes more coordinated. If you suffer from overweight, pain in the joints and knees, strength exercises with the help of this sports projectile will suit you best. With regular exercise, an increase in endurance, flexibility and agility is guaranteed. If possible, buy several products with different weights at once (for example, 16 and 24 kg).
The horizontal bar is perfect for pulling up, hanging, lifting legs, swinging the press and many other exercises. The design is actively used for the development of the muscles of the back, arms, the formation of a strong hand grip. Over time, your figure will become fit and beautiful. Removable model will not take up much space in the house. If you have more money, stop your choice on the Swedish wall.

Stretching and muscle strengthening items

Stretching exercises for the musculoskeletal system are recommended to be performed on a fitball. Thanks to the sports item, a powerful muscular corset is formed around the spine. As a result, fibers that cannot be used during aerobic and strength training are qualitatively worked out. When choosing a gymnastic ball, you must consider your own height. At 170 cm and above, models with a diameter of 0.7 meters or more are suitable.
The main advantage of the expander is the ability to control the workload. It’s a versatile product that allows you to diversify your workouts and strengthen your muscles. With its help, traction of the arms, leg press, mixing-breeding of the shoulder blades is performed. It is recommended to purchase a weak and tight model for the home workouts.


Special TRX loops are a ready-made training complex for performing various types of exercises (functional, strength, aerobic, static). Slings are useful for posture and supportive muscle development. The product does not take up much space and is easy to transport.
young girl doing sports

Massage tool

The massage roller is a special tool for removing muscle clamps, warming up and relaxing them. The product is especially effective after hard workouts. Special rollers knead the connective tissue responsible for the smoothness of movement and the health of the joints. As a result, the musculoskeletal system returns to normal tone.

Plyometric equipment

Jumping rope helps to increase speed, agility and explosive skills. Training with this item is the most energy-intensive (1000 kcal / hour). Exercise improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. There is also a strengthening of the muscles of the ankle joint, foot. Such sports equipment is compact and does not take up much space.
For crossfit training, use a plyometric box. This sports item is necessary for jumping to train the whole body, improve endurance and blast wave indicators. With regular exercises, adipose tissue decreases, proportionality and muscularity of the figure develops. It is best to buy a model for your home made of durable plywood with additional stiffeners.
Such a sports device is used to strengthen the main muscle groups of the arms and legs. With its help, the full work of the joints is ensured without the risk of sprain and rupture of the ligaments. Performing special exercises also contributes to the formation of the muscles of the back, shoulders and abs. It is best to choose a ball made of dense rubber. The surface of the material must not be slippery. As a filler, it is best to choose sand.
The choice of inexpensive sports equipment for the home depends on the type of tasks. If you are striving for a general strengthening of the body, you need to perform complex exercises. This will require the aforementioned list of shells, which can be bought at an affordable price.