There are many misconceptions about taking amino acids, especially among beginners. Sometimes you can even hear claims that they are harmful to health. This is false since amino acids play an important role in the construction of our body. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to combine food with amino acids. To get the maximum benefit from using them, you need to follow a few simple rules. But first, let’s figure out what these supplements are.

What are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are organic compounds that make up all tissues of the human body. They play a key role in metabolic processes and energy exchange, ensuring the normal functioning of the body. The effect of them on the nervous system directly affects cognitive function, mood and sleep.

For efficient protein synthesis in muscle cells, the presence of amino acids is necessary. A sufficient amount of them plays a key role in ensuring the production of various important substances. This includes enzymes that regulate biochemical processes, hormones that control metabolism, and antibodies that strengthen the immune system and promote rapid recovery from illness. In addition, amino acids are directly related to hemoglobin, which is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues.

All amino acids can be divided into two categories: essential and non-essential. In addition, there are amino acids that are partially replaced by the body and are not synthesized sufficiently in the human body. These amino acids can only be produced under certain conditions or at certain ages.

young sportsman holding vitamins and sport pills

Why Do You Need It?

These elements are necessary for the development of muscles, tendons, and ligaments, as well as for maintaining healthy hair and skin. Without a sufficient amount of amino acids, active growth of muscle mass is impossible. In the field of sports and fitness, amino acids help improve athlete performance and accelerate the process of gaining muscle mass. They promote faster recovery after intense workouts and alleviate muscle pain.

How Do Amino Acids Work?

Amino acids are a key factor in the formation and restoration of muscle tissue. If the body lacks any acid necessary for this, then it either begins to synthesize it on its own, if possible or waits for this substance to be supplied with food. However, this process can take some time, which slows down the process of muscle growth. To prevent this, it is necessary to regularly provide the body with the full range of essential amino acids. This can be difficult to do with proper nutrition alone, so amino acid supplements can be a helpful aid.

Release Form

These sports supplements are available in the market in the form of powders, solutions, tablets and capsules for easy oral administration easily and safely. There are also solutions for intramuscular injection, but their effectiveness is comparable to other forms. However, various complications are possible when administering amino acids in this way, so its use is not recommended.

How to Take Amino Acids Correctly

These supplements can be taken at the same time as other types of sports nutrition, but should not be mixed as this may reduce their effectiveness. For example, consuming amino acids simultaneously with gainer or protein is not recommended. It is best to separate the intake of these substances: in the morning you can take protein, before training – a gainer, and after – creatine with amino acids. Also, you should not consume them immediately before or after meals, as they are absorbed slowly. They should be taken separately.

In addition, it is not recommended to drink alcohol with amino acids, as this can lead to muscle breakdown and stress on the liver. To build muscle mass, it is better to take vitamins with amino acids in the morning, before and after training, and at other times – protein. To lose weight, it is recommended to consume sports supplements more often, for example, between meals, to preserve muscles, speed up catabolism and reduce appetite. The recommended one-time dose is at least five grams but it is better to consume ten or twenty grams.

It should be remembered that before deciding on the choice of a certain type of amino acid, it is necessary to consult with a trainer and determine the purpose of using the drug. It is preferable to give preference to L-amino acids, as they are quickly absorbed and enter the blood.

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